Travis Leonardi
In 2005 I was medically retired from the Navy. I was angry and bitter that I couldn't continue my career so I began drinking more to hide the pain of the loss of my career and identity. I quickly found out drinking wasn't going to work for me as I got me into lots of trouble. So I quit drinking but replaced that habit with a new one, food. I ballooned to 315 and hated myself for it. I was constantly in pain and didn't know what to do. I tried diets to take weight off but didn't get more active.
In 2012 I got a diagnosis of Lyme disease and started seeing a specialist. A special diet and orders to take it slow on activity. I did but mostly because moving around still hurt. I dropped weight like crazy but still couldn't run very well for the pain in my knees, ankles and back. So I took up bicycle riding. I loved it in high school why wouldn't I have now. It helped alot. I kept shedding weight down to 215 lbs. I was proud to have lost 100 lbs. But running was still tough. I got into a car accident and hurt my back. As a result I gained 35 lbs back.
I went to physical therapy and got back on my feet again. During this time I kept seeing commercials for the MOOV Now. It looked awesome and I really wanted to try it. I read reviews and anything I could find about the MOOV. The more I read the more I wanted to try it. I used it to run a little and noticed it was very helpful right away. I also got a new bike around the same time. So I mixed it up with the workouts the on The MOOV app. I rode my bike mostly but I ran, and did body workouts.
The MOOV now helped renew my motivation after that car accident and put me back on track. Since getting the MOOV Now just over a year ago I have gone from limiting my running to running almost as much as I want. The MOOV Now coach helped me to change how I run so it doesn't hurt at much and I can run further distances and for way more time than I have ever before in my life. I never thought I would run 152 miles in one month but I did last month. I plan on running a half marathon in the next year and hope to complete many more events in my life. I really want to keep up with all of my kids and give them the best dad, the dad they deserve. I plan to keep this trend going with MOOV.