Download Moov Now™ and Moov HR™ Press Kit
"Highly accurate heart rate readings made affordable"
"... measure "EKG-accurate heart rate" with a headband"
"The Moov Now fitness tracker may not tell you the time or vibrate when you complete 10,000 steps, but its sensors can quite literally kick your butt."
"The Moov fitness tracker focuses on movements and provides personalized coaching to make workouts better and safer."
"I was extremely impressed with the Moov, when you consider the price, you get a superb digest of stats, normally reserved for much more expensive gear."
"Where Moov Now shines is in its ability to coach a non-athlete into shape, as long as you’re willing to put in the effort every week."
“Very few trackers take this much initiative in helping you exercise not just more often, but more intelligently.”
“The data it provides at the end of each training session is on another level compared with standard fitness trackers.”
"Wearables so often don’t know what to do with the collected data. The Moov Now puts it to good use."
"Not only does the Moov provide a fun way to work out, but it also educates you on the correct form."
"Moov is een blik in de toekomst van sportwearables."
Moov is a look into the future of sportwearables.
"Innovative approach to fitness"
"Tracking steps is no longer enough. Now it's all about measuring intensity and heart rate."